UK Government announces £90m funding boost for ‘shake up’ in clean transport
The UK Government announces new £90 million fund for a new generation of green transport.
The UK Government announces new £90 million fund for a new generation of green transport.
The government has launched a consultation to make journeys easier, smarter and greener through new technology as part of the Future of Transport regulatory review.
Alongside the review, a £90 million funding boost will lead to trials of new transport innovation in three new ‘future transport zones’.
The three new zones set to receive a share of the funding are in Portsmouth and Southampton, the West of England Combined Authority, and Derby and Nottingham.
One of the projects tested will see drones carrying medical supplies from clinics on the Isle of Wight to hospitals on the mainland. The Government say this will help speed up diagnoses by cutting out time spent journeying on ferries and roads.
Once trials are complete, the drones could eventually be used to transport chemotherapy kits to save time and potentially lives.
The government will also consult on the use of e-scooters and the impact they may have on UK transport. Requirements for both e-scooters and those using them are being explored to make sure they are safe for use on roads.
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, said: “We are on the cusp of a transport revolution. Emerging technologies are ripping up the rulebook and changing the way people and goods move forever.”
“Our groundbreaking future of transport programme marks the biggest review of transport laws in a generation and will pave the way for exciting new transport technology to be tested, cementing the UK’s position as a world-leading innovator.”
Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and COP26 President Alok Sharma said: “Decarbonising transport is key to ending our contribution to climate change. This review could drive down transport emissions by making greener ways to travel available to more people. Future Transport Zones will also help to spur low carbon innovation by providing our best and brightest researchers with testing facilities for the clean transport technologies of the future.”
The government is also exploring how to test emerging technology in bus, taxi and private hire vehicle services, which could make journey planning and payment simpler and more seamless.