UN climate talks start at COP22 in Marrakech
Last Tuesday, the UN’s climate talks have opened in Marrakech, with representatives from 196 countries focusing on the implementation of the Paris Agreement, under the stewardship of the Moroccan Foreign Minister, Salaheddine Mezouar

Last Tuesday, the UN’s climate talks have opened in Marrakech, with representatives from 196 countries focusing on the implementation of the Paris Agreement, under the stewardship of the Moroccan Foreign Minister, Salaheddine Mezouar.
French Environment Minister and President of COP21, Ségolène Royal said: “We have made possible what everyone said was impossible.”
The Paris Agreement has entered into force on Friday 4 November, and now counts 100 ratifications, according to the French Minister, who also encouraged the nations which have not yet done so to ratify by the end of the year.
An informal deadline has been set between negotiators to lay groundwork for the implementation of the climate deal, according to Royal.
The measures that need to be tackled include setting up standards for measuring each nation’s CO2 emissions, and establishing criteria for compensating developing countries that have suffered from climate-related storms and floods.
Notable efforts will be needed to achieve the 2C global target.
Tubiana said: “We have to plug that gap... The big battle of the next two years is how to get countries to increase their ambition.”
New reports have shown that $300bn were invested in renewables last year, outpacing fossil fuels, and renewable energy installed capacity has also overtaken coal.
Last month, another international agreement was reached on phasing out HFCs, which also contribute to global warming.
UN Environment (UNEP) Head, Erik Solheim said: “If we don’t start taking additional action now... we will grieve over the avoidable human tragedy.”
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