World Green Economy Organization

The World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) emerged, in response to the priorities and concerns identified during this path, as an organization intended to support emerging global actions towards the green, low-carbon, climate resilient development model.
WGEO is an action-driven, private-sector centric multi-stakeholder organization seeking to drive the implementation of profitable and sustainable green economy solutions worldwide by supporting public private partnerships.
It seeks to coordinate the efforts and action of its multiple stakeholders towards an inclusive, interconnected and innovative world economy aimed at better addressing the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation with a view to supporting and facilitating the transition towards a global green economy.
The activities of WGEO are organized around seven platforms. Activities undertaken under each platform are consistent with an annual workplan established for each platform and are aligned to WGEO’s Strategic Objectives. They are undertaken and implemented by the members, sector members and affiliate members.
By bringing together a wide range of stakeholders, WGEO provides a platform from which its wide range of stakeholders can work collaboratively and share expertise and best practices. Focusing on offering an innovative mechanism to deliver on green economy global goals and commitments. WGEO is currently working with several governments on bankable projects pipeline development and partnership mobilization in the areas of energy, water and infrastructure.
Through WGEO’s smart sustainable cities platform, Dubai City in UAE has studied successful models for financing over USD 27 Billion of green economy projects that have been initiated in the city, and which include smart city, renewable energy developments and water conservation initiatives.
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