UK Government’s announce £22 million boost for flagship renewables scheme
A multi-million-pound boost for cleaner, more secure energy will make Britain the ‘first choice’ for investors, Grant Shapps has announced.
A multi-million-pound boost for cleaner, more secure energy will make Britain the ‘first choice’ for investors, Grant Shapps has announced.
LGIM’s new strategy aims to facilitate the transition towards net zero whilst targeting long-term, sustainable returns.
More than 7 billion plastic bags have been prevented from polluting the UK landscape since the introduction of the single-use carrier bag charge
UK Government to mandate creation of new habitat and green spacing when building new housing, commercial or infrastructure developments.
Financial institutions, central banks, regulators and governments are ignoring economic research which shows the dangers and economic damage of climate change.
GRIDSERVE commit to their mission to help deliver net zero transport at speed and scale and demonstrate the markets confidence in both the transition to electric mobility.
IAG invest into the cleantech company NPT, who develops advanced biofuels to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel from non-food agricultural waste and wood residues
How can we best design our cities and prepare for the many challenges they will face in the years and decades ahead while also benefiting all of society?
New research from Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute expects over $122 billion impact of economic activity, with a staggering $81 billion in international trade.
Octopus Energy and sustainable housebuilder Verto partner to enable more homeowners to make energy bills a thing of the past.
Global green bond issuances raised a record capital from investors in the first half of 2023, whilst Sustainability-link bond issuances have slowed down
Dove partner with the Rimba Collective in efforts to protect and restore 123,000 acres of rainforest in South-East Asia
The Viking Link interconnector, a 475-mile power cable, was formed as a joint venture between the National Grid and Energinet to share enough electricity to power up to 1.4 million UK Homes
Polling commissioned by ShareAction reveals British public are concerned about how their money is being invested by their financial providers.
Inditex, the company who owns Zara, announces plans to cut emissions, use low-impact fibres, expand their circularity projects and pursue new biodiversity initiatives by 2030.
The Green Finance Institute’s Nature Programme (GFI Hive) launches the UK Financial Institutions for Nature Group (G-FIN) to support the delivery of investment into UK nature recovery.