Not everyone’s a winner: mitigating climate and inflation risk

There is a lively debate among economists and central banks about the extent to which climate change is inflationary. Where does this leave investors concerned about addressing both climate and inflation risk in sovereign bond markets? Read the FTSE blog.

20 May 2021

Carbon Footprint of Recycled Aluminium

Production of primary aluminium through the Hall Heroult electrolysis process is energy intensive. The carbon footprint of primary aluminium is thus highly dependent on the source of electricity used.

20 May 2021

Why your business should invest in EV charging stations now

All over the world, more and more drivers are switching to electric vehicles (EVs) every day. As EV adoption continues to accelerate, people are starting to choose where they shop, eat, and park based on the availability of charging stations. Is your location ready to capture this demographic?

19 May 2021

WWF: Huge rise in demand for sustainable goods during Pandemic

New global research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), commissioned by WWF, shows a staggering 71% rise in popularity of searches for sustainable goods over the past five years, with continuing growth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

18 May 2021