Race to Zero strengthens and clarifies campaign criteria

With six months to go before COP26, Race to Zero is publishing its refined criteria which all Partner initiatives must meet through a rigorous application process, reviewed by an independent Expert Peer Review Group.

30 April 2021

How to measure the temperature of sovereign assets

What does the data tell us about the temperature of sovereign assets and how investors can assess their alignment with climate targets and underlying risks resulting from exposure to countries with misalignment? Read the research by FTSE Russell and Beyond Ratings Research below.

29 April 2021

CO2 emissions from the building sector: A reckoning is (fast) approaching

After more than a decade of blaming the EU Emissions Trading System for its ineffectiveness due to carbon prices far too low to impose any effect, we recently witnessed an unprecedented rally to more than 40 € per ton. Over the next few years, many buildings are set to become huge cost burdens as “stranded assets”.

28 April 2021

Ibstock announces plans to achieve world’s first Net Zero brick factory

Ibstock plc has confirmed its intention to make a major investment in one of its brick factories in the West Midlands. The factory will be a pathfinder project to test and pilot operational efficiencies which, the company believes, will lead to Atlas becoming the world’s only Scope 1 & 21 Net Zero brick factory.

27 April 2021