98% of global companies making progress toward stated decarbonization targets
ENGIE Impact releases its 2023 Net Zero Report, finding 98% of global companies are making progress toward stated decarbonization targets.
ENGIE Impact releases its 2023 Net Zero Report, finding 98% of global companies are making progress toward stated decarbonization targets.
Delivering freight across the UK could become more efficient and cleaner thanks to a £7 million government-backed fund that will roll out innovative new ideas and technology across the industry.
A new report by Sensu Insight finds that less than a quarter (23%) of the British public take ESG claims at face value.
Equinor and RWE announce partnership to develop dedicated offshore hydrogen projects along the pipeline to gradually ramp-up the renewable hydrogen share of German imports.
Requirement for greener minicabs came into force on 1 January as part of the drive to tackle toxic pollution and reduce carbon in London.
Rising bond yields this year have seen many market analysts reach for a famous fixed income quote.
Spain will receive almost €869 million from the Just Transition Fund (JTF) following the adoption of the Just Transition Programme and its Territorial Just Transition Plan (TJTP).
Global new light vehicle sales will reach nearly 83.6 million units in 2023, a 5.6% increase year-over-year, according to a new forecast by S&P Global Mobility.
IRENA’s new report Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2022 shows that off-grid renewables continue to grow despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The world’s first net zero transatlantic flight will take off from the UK next year, with Virgin Atlantic set to fly one of its Boeing 787 aircraft from London to New York using solely sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
Wildlife, plants and habitats at risk across the globe are set to benefit from new government funding announced by Environment Secretary Thérèse Coffey at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15).
Ecologi Zero is working with Xero to help scale up net-zero in the UK, this joining-of-forces will give thousands of UK service-based small businesses the option to calculate their carbon footprint for free, making it much easier to take climate action and start their net-zero journey.
The UK government has announced new funding to support clean energy production in the UK, following Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent impact on global energy prices.
The global energy crisis has triggered unprecedented momentum behind renewables, with the world set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in the past 20.
The Commission welcomes the provisional political agreement just reached between the European Parliament and the Council on an EU Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains.
Greater circularity in materials-use by the European automotive sector could reduce emissions associated with the materials used in production per vehicle by 60% by 2040, a new analysis by Bain & Company shows.