Oceans & Climate – Exploring the Nexus

The world’s climate scientists and recent extreme weather have shown that even our current worst estimates of climate scenarios are proving too optimistic.

12 October 2021

The Role of Hydrogen in Heating Buildings

Climate-neutral heat supply requires a considerable transformation of the heat sector; Germany targets a reduction in CO2 emissions from the heat market of at least 40% by 2030.

12 October 2021

Incorporating ESG into US equity benchmarks

Increasingly investors seek the ability to incorporate sustainable investment considerations within a broad US market portfolio, but without impacting the risk and return characteristics of the underlying benchmark.

11 October 2021

Why U.S. policy is crucial to EV adoption

On Earth Day this year, President Biden pledged to cut U.S. emissions in half by 2030—a key step to achieving net zero by 2050. And electric transportation will play a critical role.

05 October 2021

The impact of Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan on EV

President Biden's infrastructure bill includes $7.5 billion in funding specifically for the deployment of EV charging stations. This underscores the importance of transitioning to zero-emission vehicles, and means there is a lot of funding available to help turn your location into an EV charging destination.

05 October 2021

ESG and EMD - taking the long view

Investors with allocations to emerging market debt now need to understand the true impact on developing economies of long run factors like climate change and human capital development.

01 October 2021