Green equity exposure in a 1.5°C scenario

Green investment needs to scale rapidly to limit the rise of global temperatures to 1.5°C, with recent studies estimating that between USD109-275 trillion is required by 2050.

21 November 2022

COP27: Air Products highlight key role hydrogen will play in the energy transition

At the Hydrogen Transition Summit we heard from governments, the energy industry, corporates, investors and policymakers on how to navigate the challenges of scaling up green hydrogen in the transition to net zero. EU-Africa collaboration, the importance of private and public sector collaborations and how to address supply chains to bolster hydrogen infrastructure were all high on the agenda.

10 November 2022

COP27: Boris Johnson calls for the UK to “double down on green technology”

Day 1 of the Climate Action Innovation Zone began with a New York Times Climate Forward Conversation, where NYT climate correspondent Max Bearak interviewed Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the UK. Johnson dived straight in with a description of his morning swim off the coral reefs: “90% of our coral reefs around the world face extinction… as a result of anthropogenic climate change.”

09 November 2022

Ecosphere+ and AIDER partner to bring indigenous voices to the heart of COP27

Partners Ecosphere+ and AIDER will this November support the attendance at COP27 of an indigenous-led group of climate leaders from the Peruvian Amazon. Made up of indigenous spokespeople, a forestry engineer and NGO staff, this diverse delegation will bring vital perspectives to COP27 to unearth much-needed dialogue around implementing effective and equitable solutions to climate change that are rooted in nature.

04 November 2022