Dealing with income bias in sovereign ESG scores - Sovereign ESG revisited
Investors are embracing sustainable investment strategies in passive fixed income like never before. Billions of dollars are flowing into ESG-tilted sovereign debt as asset owners try to mitigate their exposure to climate risks. But there are unintended consequences that are not discussed enough, notably related to biases present in the ESG assessment where scores tend to favor higher income countries.
Investors are embracing sustainable investment strategies in passive fixed income like never before. Billions of dollars are flowing into ESG-tilted sovereign debt as asset owners try to mitigate their exposure to climate risks. But there are unintended consequences that are not discussed enough, notably related to biases present in the ESG assessment where scores tend to favor higher income countries.
FTSE Russell’s paper ‘Dealing with income bias in sovereign ESG scores’ proposes an ex-post way to deal with income bias in Sovereign ESG. Using a simple statistical framework and the Sovereign Risk Monitor methodology, the research estimates a log-linear relationship between the income level of economies and their respective E, S and G performance assessment.
To read the full research paper click here.
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