Q&A with Naoki Ikegami, Leader, Aluminum Extrusion Division, LIXIL Housing Technology
Mr. Naoki Ikegami is in charge of the aluminum business at LIXIL, and is responsible for the entire supply chain from the procurement of recycled raw materials to the aluminum extrusion products in its operations in Asia and Japan. He is also responsible for the global sales of aluminum products, prioritizing the promotion of its low-carbon recycled aluminum called PremiAL, LIXIL`s recycled Low Carbon Aluminum, to its wide network of clients in the building, industrial equipment, and automotive industries. He is also a member of Circular Economy Committee of the Japan Aluminum Association.

LIXIL is committed to decarbonization and aims to use 100% recycled aluminum by FYE2031. The aluminum smelting process accounts for a significant portion of LIXIL’s Scope 3 emissions. To address this, LIXIL is developing recycling technologies to promote the circular use of aluminum. Aluminum, which is essential for decarbonization due to its light weight and high processability, is widely used in transportation and construction. However, smelting new ingots consumes significant amounts of electricity. Using recycled aluminum can reduce CO₂ emissions by 97%. Currently, 34% of the world's aluminum production comes from recycled scrap, and LIXIL has achieved a recycled aluminum utilization rate of 78%, leading efforts in the Japanese industry.
Q1. How is LIXIL contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society??
At LIXIL, as part of our decarbonization efforts, we are driving efforts in our business to reach our company-wide target of using 100% recycled aluminum by FYE2031.
The aluminum smelting process accounts for a significant portion of LIXIL’s Scope 3 emissions, which includes procurement. We are working to establish and promote recycling technologies that are effective for decarbonization and the circular use of aluminum.
To us, LIXIL’s Purpose “make better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere” serves as a driver. To achieve our purpose, LIXIL offers innovative products and services to create a positive impact for today and tomorrow. In our Impact Strategy, we have identified "Water Conservation & Environmental Sustainability" as one of the three pillars, and we are addressing environmental issues through our business activities to achieve our Environmental Vision of "Zero Carbon and Circular Living by 2050".
For example, in our housing technology business, which deals with building materials such as windows, doors, interiors, and exteriors, we promote improved housing performance and high-insulation windows as measures to address climate change.In addition, we are driving resource recycling efforts that are correlated to decarbonization, by promoting the use of low-carbon materials such as recycled aluminum and "Revia" - a circular material made from a combination of post-consumer plastics and wood, to reduce CO₂ emissions from raw material sourcing, processing, transportation, construction, collection and disposal in construction.
Q1. LIXILでは、脱炭素社会の実現に向けてどのような取り組みを行っていますか?
LIXILがこのように積極的に取り組む背景には、 LIXILが掲げる「世界中の誰もが願う、豊かで快適な住まいの実現」という会社のパーパスがあります。LIXILでは、パーパスの実現に向けて、今日そして未来にインパクトを生み出す取り組みと革新的な製品とサービスの提供を目指しています。
Q2.Why is it important to address aluminum recycling in a decarbonized society?
Aluminum is said to be one of the key materials for decarbonization. With its lightweight and high processability, global aluminum production is forecasted to increase by more than 150% by 2050.
In the transportation sector, aluminum is widely used in vehicles such as automobiles and railcars due to its lighter weight compared to other metals. In the construction sector, aluminum is used as building materials for itsexcellent strength and weather-resisting properties, that make construction materials lighter. Using lighter materials can improve efficiency because it helps reduce the usage of heavy machinery during the construction process. It can also help cut costs and shorten construction times, thereby creating direct energy-saving effects.
While the use of aluminum is widespread in various fields, significant electricity consumption is required in the upstream process of smelting new ingots in the supply chain. Proactive use of recycled aluminum instead of new ingots reduces the environmental impact of smelting and is key to tackling this issue.
When smelting new ingots, approximately 10 kg of CO₂ is emitted per kilogram of aluminum. Even if it were replaced by 1kg of green aluminum, which uses renewable energy for smelting it would account for 4 . 4 kg. In contrast, byusing 100% recycled aluminum without new ingots, CO₂ emissions would be 0.3 kg. This in turn means that if we replace the raw materials of aluminum products from new ingots to recycled materials, we can reduce CO₂ emissions by 97%.
Q2. なぜ脱炭素社会に向けてアルミのリサイクルに取り組むことが重要なのでしょうか?
Q3. What are the trends in the industry and what is LIXIL's unique approach to aluminum recycling?
In 2019, approximately 34% of global aluminum production came from recycled scrap. However, by 2050, the amount produced from recycled scrap is projected to equal to the amount produced from virgin ingots.
Recycling of rolled aluminum products requires advanced technology, such as the removal of impurities from scrap. As of 2019, recycled aluminum scraps account for only about 10% of aluminum in the Japanese market. However, the aluminum industry in Japan aims to increase the proportion of recycled aluminum up to 50% by 2050.
In this context, LIXIL has set a goal of achieving a company-wide recycled aluminum usage rate of 100% by FYE2031 and has reached 78% to date. This figure is among the highest in the Japanese aluminum industry. We are leading the world in aluminum recycling, demonstrating our commitment to both reducing environmental impact and growing our business by turning risks into opportunities.
These efforts are backed by more than 25 years of world-leading technology and expertise in aluminum recycling. LIXIL has developed production techniques for recycled aluminum across all processes, including melting, casting, extrusion, and surface treatment. Securing high-quality aluminum scrap is also crucial to increasing the use of recycled aluminum, and over the years, we have established a strong supply chain by accumulating expertise with business partners at each stage of collection, dismantling, and sorting.
Backed with the technology and expertise, LIXIL has developed "PremiAL", the circular low-carbon aluminum extrusion. We offer two types of "PremiAL": "PremiAL R70," which uses more than 70% recycled aluminum, and "PremiAL R100," which uses 100% recycled aluminum.
While achieving the same quality of aluminum profiles made from new ingots, "PremiAL R100" can reduce CO₂ emissions by approximately 80% from procurement to manufacturing compared to products using new ingots. This contributes significantly to enhancing the environmental value of buildings and products.
The positive environmental impact of PremiAL has been highly appreciated, leading to its adoption not only in various buildings, but also in fields outside the construction industry, such as automobiles, home appliances, and public facilities.
Q3. アルミのリサイクルについて、業界の中の動きと、LIXILの特長的な取り組みは何ですか?
このようなアルミリサイクルの技術と知見をもとに、LIXILは循環型低炭素アルミ形材「PremiAL」を開発し販売しています。「PremiAL」には、リサイクルアルミを70%以上使った「PremiAL R70」と、リサイクルアルミを100%使った「PremiAL R100」の2種類があります。
新地金と同等の品質を実現しながら、「PremiAL R100」の場合は新地金を使用した製品と比べて、調達から製造時に発生するCO2排出量を約80%削減することができ、建築物や製品の環境価値向上に大きく寄与することができます。
Q4.What are LIXIL's future plans for aluminum recycling?
LIXIL aims to achieve "closed-loop recycling" of aluminum by using its proprietary technology. In addition to the recycling of post-consumer scrap materials achieved with "PremiAL," LIXIL is also pursuing the recycling of industrial aluminum waste generated during the manufacturing process and the reuse of materials collected from used LIXIL products in new LIXIL products. This initiative aims to recycle all aluminum materials used by LIXIL.
The construction sector accounts for 37% of global CO₂ emissions, and promoting its reduction is essential to achieving a decarbonized society. As such LIXIL is planning the global expansion of "PremiAL", which contributes to the reduction of embodied carbon emissions generated during the construction of buildings.
In addition to its three factories in Japan, LIXIL's production at two factories in Thailand and Vietnam enables overseas supply, and "PremiAL" is now being adopted outside of Japan. LIXIL aims to continue contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society by meeting demands not only in Japan but also in Europe, the United States, and Southeast Asia.
We will continue to take on long-term challenges in the field of aluminum recycling as a first mover to contribute to society as a leader in the aluminum industry.
Q4. LIXILのアルミリサイクルに関する今後の展開は?