Climate Action

Sainsbury’s announces ambitious new Science Based Targets

Sainsbury’s has committed to reduce its scope 1,2 and 3 emissions based on a science-based target, in line with the Paris Agreement.

  • 09 February 2021
  • Gabrielle Waterman

Sainsbury’s has committed to reduce its scope 1,2 and 3 emissions based on a science-based target, in line with the Paris Agreement.

Sainsbury’s has announced its target of significantly reducing its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, by reducing its scope 3 GHG emissions by 30% by 2030, and a net zero target for its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2040. It will work with selected suppliers to develop their own Scope 1 and 2 targets, and measure their performance through industry disclosures such as CDP.

Simon Roberts, CEO of Sainsbury’s, said: “We have a responsibility to our colleagues and the communities to reduce the impact our business has on the environment and have been working hard to reduce our carbon emissions over the last 16 years.”

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has approved Sainsbury’s target for Scopes 1,2 and 3. For Scope 1 and 2 emissions, a target is set to reduce Sainsbury’s own emissions by 2040.

Simon Roberts added: “We are making significant progress on our road to net zero, however we can’t get there on our own, to make a meaningful different to climate change we need to collaborate with industry, work closely with our suppliers and engage our colleagues and customers.”

Recognising it cannot achieve these targets alone, Sainsbury’s will work collaboratively with its suppliers to deliver against their own Scope 1 and 2 targets to drive lasting change.

For Scope 3, Sainsbury’s has worked with the Carbon Trust to define an ambitious target of reducing absolute emissions by 30% by 2030. This includes reducing emissions from purchased goods and services sold, upstream transport and distribution and the direct use of sold products. By delivering its Scope 3 targets through innovation and collaboration, Sainsbury's will endeavour to help customers make more sustainable product choices.

Albert Carrillo Pineda, Director of Science Based Targets at CDP, congratulated Sainsbury's for “setting science-based targets consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 C, the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement."

"By aligning its goals with a 1.5 C future, and asking its partners to do the same, Sainsbury’s is ensuring it builds resilience firmly into its business model and will be positioned to thrive as the global economy transition to a zero emissions future.”