Climate Action

Switzerland Updates Emissions-Reduction Targets

At its meeting on 29 January, the Federal Council approved Switzerland's new reduction target under the Paris Agreement. This corresponds to the reduction path of the Swiss Climate and Innovation Act. By 2035, Switzerland should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% compared to 1990 levels, and by 59% on average between 2031 and 2035.

  • 31 January 2025
  • Press Release

The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to an increase of 1.5 °C. It obliges all countries to take concrete steps to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Countries must raise their reduction target every five years. Switzerland submitted its last climate target for 2030 in 2017. At its meeting on 29 January, the Federal Council approved Switzerland's reduction target for the period 2031 to 2035. 

65% reduction in emissions by 2035 

By 2035, Switzerland is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% compared to 1990 levels, primarily through domestic measures. Greenhouse gas emissions must fall by 59% on average between 2031 and 2035. In line with the Paris Agreement, the new reduction targets are more stringent than in the previous period between 2021 and 2030. 

The targets are in line with the interim targets defined in the Climate and Innovation Act and the net-zero target by 2050 and correspond to the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The measures to achieve the reduction in emissions are set out in national laws, primarily in the CO2 Act for the period from 2030. 

Supplemented climate strategy outlines new climate policy developments 

At the same time as announcing the new reduction target, the Federal Council adopted an amendment to Switzerland's long-term climate strategy. This outlines the Swiss climate policy measures set out in the Climate and Innovation Act, the revised CO2 Act and the Electricity Supply Act. Switzerland will submit its new climate target, together with the updated climate strategy, to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by 10 February. In its submission, Switzerland also reports on the latest developments in its energy policy and the role of renewable energies and nuclear energy in achieving climate neutrality.