United Airlines to triple sustainable aviation fuel use in 2023
United announce it will be tripling its SAF use, which could put the airline on track to use approximately 10 million gallons in 2023.

United announce it will be tripling its SAF use, which could put the airline on track to use approximately 10 million gallons in 2023.
The airline plans to use a blend of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) on departing flights from San Francisco International Airport and is planning to use a SAF blend later this year at London Heathrow Airport.
The SAF deliveries commenced at San Francisco Airport in April, with United receiving 1.5 million gallons of SAF for departing flights, the remainder of United's SAF supply will be used at Los Angeles International Airport and Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport.
London Heathrow Airport is expected to begin receiving deliveries of SAF later in 2023. Once the SAF is delivered to London Heathrow, it will mark the first time United would participate in London Heathrow's SAF incentive program.
The SAF used on United's flights will be paid for in part through the company's Eco-Skies AllianceSM, an innovative program designed for participating companies to work together to share the "green premium" or the cost associated with purchasing lower emission fuels.
Participating in United's Eco-Skies Alliance provides its corporate customers with the opportunity to build transparency and enable true, certified SAF emissions reductions associated with travel of people or goods on United flights.
United's Eco-Skies Alliance program was launched in April 2021 and has collectively contributed toward the purchase of nearly 15 million gallons of SAF.
"It's remarkable to see that in just a few years United has exponentially increased its SAF use," said United Chief Sustainability Officer Lauren Riley. "While 10 million gallons of SAF in 2023 represents a fraction of what we need, we have also made big investments in producers that are using everything from ethanol to algae, to CO2, to help increase our available future supply. We believe these investments, along with our continued collaboration with policymakers, cross-industry businesses, and other airlines will help us scale this brand-new industry to achieve comparable success to solar and wind."
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