Sustainable Investment Forum North America 2020
Mobilising sustainable investment towards a 1.5 °C world

About this webinar
About the Forum:
In response to COVID-19 and the unpredictability of holding physical events in the short term, the Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2020, in official partnership with UNEP-FI, returned between 8-22 September as a 4-part digital event series, running weekly for one month – NOW AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND. Climate Action is committed to enabling debate, encouraging dialogue and collaboration to lay the foundations for sustainable finance, and we provided an online environment for over 1,000 attendees to engage with the sustainable finance community in these unprecedented times.
Core Discussion Points:
- Why is asset owner action on climate change a crucial part of meaningful and impactful climate action
- What does strong investor engagement look like; is there a role for divestment?
- Is there a need to be better prepared to respond and recover post-pandemic - should all financial systems be aligned with climate risk resilience programmes?
- Is prioritising the SDGs an opportunity to engage with influential emerging consumers and incorporate innovative new technologies?
- Update on the latest SEC amendments to modernize and enhance financial disclosures - using TCFD implementation as a benchmark
- Examining new corporate initiatives - sustainability classifications, taxonomies, emerging regulation, impact reporting and wider implications for corporate reporting across asset classes
- Separating fact from greenwashing
- Meeting the ESG challenge- index investing to minimize ESG risk
Featured Speakers:
- Eric Usher, Head, UNEP Finance Initiative
- Günther Thallinger, Chair, UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, Member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE
- Nili Gilbert, Chairwoman of the Investment Committee, David Rockefeller Fund
- Pedro Guazo, Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Joint Staff Pension Fund
- Margaret Kuhlow, Interim Global Conservation Director, WWF International
- Dawn M. Martin, Executive Vice President and Chief Program Officer, Ceres
- Bertrand Walckenaer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of AFD, Agence française de développement (French Development Agency)
- Elliott Harris, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development and Chief Economist, United Nations
- Rosa van den Beemt, Vice President, Responsible Investment Analyst, BMO Global Asset Management
- James Vaccaro, Interim Director, Climate Safe Lending Network
- Heike Reichelt, Head of Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance, The World Bank Treasury
- Rob Zochowski, Program Director and Senior Researcher for Multi-Faculty Sustainability and Impact Investing, Harvard Business School
- Dr Gita R. Rao, Senior Lecturer in Finance, MIT Sloan
Event Chair:
Dr. Ben Caldecott
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Official Event Partner:
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